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Here we have collected the most frequently asked questions. Do you have any other questions beside these? Contact us!

What is Agora?

Agora is the Helsingborg section of Samhällsvetarkåren (the Social Science Union) at Lund University. We work for the students at Campus Helsingborg. Our main purpose is to monitor the quality of eduction, make sure every student knows about their rights and organize study-social activities such as the spring ball and the Novice Weeks. 

How can you get involved in Agora?

You can get involved in many ways. Among other things, you can become a class- or student representative in the education committee. Or join one of our four other committees if you are interested in marketing, business, international studies or events. Agora also arranges projects where you can become a project leader or a project member. Once a year, the board and election committee are selected which you can also get involved in. 

Who are the board?

The board consists of three presidium members (President, Vice President and Head of Finance) and seven board members (Head of marketing, event, education, business, communication, project and facility). The board's mission is to lead Agora forward during the year and has the main responsibility for all Agora's operations.

What is the difference between the board and Novischeriet?

This is a common question that is usually asked by new students at Campus. The answer is that Novischeriet is a project group responsible for the introduction weeks for first year bachelor students. At the same time, the board is usually also present at the introduction weeks to support Novischeriet and represent Agora. 

What is the difference between Stampus and Agora?

Stampus is a student organization in Helsingborg that focuses on study-social activities and events. The big difference is that Agoras main purpose is to monitor the quality of eduction while Stampus main purpose is to integrate students outside of Campus. 

Who can become a member of Agora?

You can become a member of Agora if you study Strategic Communication or Service Management. You become a member by joining Samhällsvetarkåren at - you will thereafter automatically become a member of Agora if you are a student at Campus. It is also possible to become a supporting member if you are studying something else, for example Modevetenskap.

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Campus Helsingborg, office

Universitetsplatsen 2



Helsingborgen Furutorpsgatan 47
25227 Helsingborg




Feel free to chat with us on our Instagram: 


The board of Agora is on campus U2, varje every Wednesdag between 12:00-13:00 and hand out free coffee!


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